conception & building

You Nakai, Kay Festa & Dee Ali


You Nakai, Dee Ali & Ai Chinen


2015. 12. 18


a.m gallery, London

House Music D: Drone


A web of ropes is stretched across the room on which free newspaper collected from across town is placed (without being fixed) to create a temporary room inside the room.


Two loudspeakers are placed on the side of the newspaper room, both facing the room. A control booth is set above the newspaper room with a mixer connected to the loudspeakers.


Bubble wrap is laid on the floor so that people entering the newspaper room will inevitably make popping sounds.

A microphone connected to the loudspeakers on the side via the mixer in the control booth, is hung down from the newspaper roof, touching the bubble wrap floor to pick up the popping sounds.


The sounds that people entering the room make is amplified and played out from the speakers (at the premiere, an app which transforms audio input into midi sound was used).

The level of sound increases through feedback between the speakers and the microphone, until the newspaper room begins to collapse by sonic vibration.The performer manipulates the mixer in the control booth to control the process of collapse.


When the roof collapses enabling the people to see the performer at the control booth, the performer uses a cutter attached to the tip of a long pole to cut the ropes, letting the newspaper room fall onto the people inside (as if it were a trap).

| London, December 10-18, 2015 |

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